Short description of the project: Here is a cup holder for the Opel Astra H. The car was not equipped with a cup holder from the factory, and it is very important to maintain focus on the road and to hydrate regularly.
Due to the element’s exposure to the elements and high temperature, the appropriate material for this type of printing is a filament
Give reasons why you chose to use Spectrum filaments:
Spectrum ASA 275 filament was chosen for the project because of its ease of printing relative to other ASA materials on the market and its low shrinkage for an ASA-type material. These two features make it possible to print this technical filament even on simple and budget printers that do not have an enclosed chamber.
What filaments from the Spectrum portfolio would you like to use in your next project and why?
I think an interesting filament that I would like to test in future automotive projects is PET-G HT100. I would also be interested in doped materials (CF, GF), as the increased strength of the final prints is crucial in the automotive industry.